Friday, November 16, 2007

P. Diddy's Crazy Eye

"He's got ze crazy eye!"
For the full photo and copyright info, click here.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

postcards from the other side of the world part II : redundancy : cute, old manhattanites : fête

My postcard from Aerio in Hong Kong!

"A Ministry of Commerce survey found Shanghai saw a rise in consumer consumption during the holiday periods."

The cutest elderly population in the world probably resides in Manhattan. I saw a little, old man the other day with big glasses, big ears, and a beret. Adorable.

LINGO:: I feel like everyone in the fashion/entertainment business is suddenly using the word

fete also fête (fāt, fět)
  1. A festival or feast.
    1. An elaborate, often outdoor entertainment.
    2. An elaborate party.
tr.v. fet·ed also fêt·ed, fet·ing also fêt·ing, fetes also fêtes
  1. To celebrate or honor with a festival, a feast, or an elaborate entertainment.
  2. To pay honor to.
[French fête, from Old French feste; see feast.]
From the American Heritage Dictionary via

*Especially as a verb.

Mark Ronson Featuring Lily Allen "Oh My God"

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Quotes of the Day

"Elephant feet- you can't just go throwing those around, you know?" -Pat

"I wouldn't want to get the plague." -Kyle

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


i take issue with men who wear oversized, WHITE sunglasses

domestication (banana nut muffins)
a guy with my sunglasses- but in white. blue is so much better than white.

blustery sunshine
free haagen dazs
possibly the most magnificent thing you can hear from a stranger's mouth:
"you're the prettiest girl i've seen all day."

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Alexander McQueen for M.A.C.

Alexander McQueen collaborated with M.A.C. for Fall 2007 and I want every.thing.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

i ride escalators with oprah's best friend

as i sit here, carefully avoiding the yellow gummy bears (still working on that 5 lb. bag), i'm thinking about how i'd like to work up the nerve to say hello to gayle king the next time i see her. gayle, aka oprah's best friend and editor of O, seems to have the same lunch schedule as i do. i love my job, and the free perfume that comes with it.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

136 Year Old Book

I found this book (the one in the center) in the stacks at the art library. It was published in 1871 and is held together by a rubber band.

Mascara ... menos caro.

Though I was skeptical, I was also curious, and so I broke down and finally bought a tube of mascara with a rubber brush- Maybelline's Define-A-Lash. I figured that someone as into makeup as I am should certainly be willing to experiment, right? As I am devoted to giant, full mascara brushes like those of Dior and Clinique, the weird rubber brush (which looks like something I saw in a window in Amsterdam) took a little getting used to. After the adjustment period, though, I have to say, I really like it. It really does make your lashes super longgg, it doesn't run, and it's about 1/3 the price of the mascara I usually use. So in case you were thinking, "Hmm.. I wonder how those weird rubber mascara brushes work..." There you go.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

if i hadn't overslept, i wouldn't have encountered chuck.

i usually catch the 8:01 train to new york. this morning, i woke up at 8:15. somehow, i was a mere half hour late, which was still unnerving, because despite my history as being perpetually tardy, i have been 10-20 minutes early almost every day since i began this job. on my later, less crowded train, i sat in close proximity to a man named chuck. i know that his name was chuck because every time his phone rang (about four times) he said, "this is chuck." i also spied a matching pair of crazians, a man and a woman sitting side by side. i first noticed that they had the same glasses, then i realized that their shirts were very similar too- both dress shirts with thin stripes. my favorite part was that when i looked down, i saw that even their shoes were twins- same shape, same color. weird.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

30 Days of Fashion

30 Days of Fashion

Thursday: Tim Gunn and I, under one roof. Sort of. <3

Subway Spotting

Sexiest Pair of Words [that could possibly be found on a man's t-shirt]:

Architects' Regatta.

'Nuff said.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Simply Vera

For the girl who sat behind me on the train on Friday, obscenely chewing her gum and talking on her cell phone, loudly, for an hour:
Simply Vera [by] Vera Wang, not "very simply Vera Wang"

Monday, September 10, 2007

britney's VMAs "performance"

one very, very indie band - the new york times magazine, march 4, 2007
i can't wait to see their show in october.

- - - - - - - -

1. netflix is the greatest.
upon returning to bruns, sick and tired of hunting in vain for movies at blockbuster (and/or paying $5 a movie 'on-demand'), i converted to netflix. so far, it's been a wise investment.

2. tellmeyouloveme, testicles and all.
speaking of on-demand, i decided to watch the pilot of HBO's new series the other day, and there is more sex in that show than i think i've ever seen in a show. i mean explicit sex, with vaginas and testicles and everything- tis excellent! it's not vulgar, just surprising. daring- which i respect. oh yeah, the content of the show is interesting too.

3. BA: beauty-aholics anonymous
now that i spend three full days a week in a closet full of wonderful beauty products, you'd think that my compulsive cosmetic purchasing might be curbed. think again! i'm currently waiting [impatiently] on the delivery of my new nars eyeshadow. also, i went to sephora on my lunch break the other day. too much?

4. since when do keds impart blisters?
i bought what i consider to be just about the most adorable/preppy pair of shoes to ever exist: navy blue, cable-knit keds. i wore them thursday as what i hoped would be a comfortable alternative to heels in the city. to my dismay, i ended up with blisters all over my crunched feet by lunchtime and had to make an emergency stop at duane reade (this seems to happen to me a lot).

5. fancy-schmancy sunglasses = motivation to touch your eyeballs
because you just can't wear sunglasses over eyeglasses (unless they're the cataract type, or those clip-on things).

Monday, June 18, 2007

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Thursday, May 31, 2007

flashbacks in the LC

yesterday, i drove around the middle of new jersey. i drove in my beloved LC, with the kruiser plates, with the windows down, in the heat (which was made almost excruciating when combined with the heat of the engine and the sun beating through the glass). i listened to david bowie. in the cassette player. i had to flip the tape to hear the good songs. that car reminds me of my childhood. we had the same car (in a different color), and then all the successive land cruisers that followed. the FJ60s were always my favorite. i remember taking road trips to massachusetts with the dogs in the back and my grandma trying to protect her hair from the air streaming in the windows. the dog in that picture was absolutely insane, but also neurotic and quirky so she fit in pretty well with us. also yesterday, i went food shopping, alone. i bought cracklin' oat bran (on sale, because it usually costs six dollars). that too reminds me of being a kid on butler blvd. i'm driving the same car my parents used to drive, i'm buying the same cereal, listening to the same music... can this mean...? that thing that they say about turning into your mother, or a combination of your parents, or as i theorize, a combination of your mother and mother-in-law, how much truth do you think there is in that? it's frightening until i realize that if turning into my parents means driving around in a cool car, listening to brilliant music, eating good cereal, drawing, and surfing, then i'm kind of okay with it. as long as i don't pick up the paranoia or excessive-to-the-point-of-humorous alcohol consumption.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Surf's Up

this movie has two of my favorite things: penguins and surfing
surf's up

Friday, May 25, 2007

sexy horoscope, weird dreams, and neti pots (ugh)

my horoscope for today >>
Even with the highest of spiritual intentions, you still may not be able to keep your mind off sex today. You may find yourself thinking about things that are usually outside of your comfort zone. Don't think that you will actually realize all your fantasies, but remember there's no harm in enjoying them within the privacy of your own mind.
hahahaha. first of all, this could be my horoscope any/every day. secondly, i was just talking about this the other night.
+ + + + + + + +
so i have been having these very odd and vivid dreams lately. the other night i had a dream that i was pregnant (which i AM NOT), then i had a dream that my favorite neighbors destroyed my camera, and last night i had a dream that i was going to be married, but i had no idea who was to be my groom, and then i realized who it was and tried to flee.
- - - - - - - -
also, i am feeling pretty shitty, which is probably my own fault (haha). my parents keep telling me to use this fucking "neti pot" thing that they're currently obsessed with. just the name bothers me, and i refuse to use it because the idea of pouring salt water (or whatever it is that neti pots contain) into my nostril just freaks me out. plus, i feel like they're peer pressuring me into doing it, except it's not like all the cool kids are doing it, it's like all the nerdiest health nuts are doing it. (because oprah said so)
<< look! look at how weird that is!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

quote of the day...

man on train: i'm the male version of a 'fag hag.' lesbians love me.
women sitting with him: there's no such thing.

- - - - - - - -

not one, but TWO [completely unrelated] people asked me if i contracted AIDS today
(since i participated in the aids walk)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

photography and the [mild] sacrifice of the present for the future. maybe.

this morning in the shower, as i contemplated a recent roll of film that i took, i was reminded of a conversation that i had with the photo editor of W magazine. haha that was blatant name-dropping. anyway, she said two things that really impressed me. the first was that every picture, no matter the subject, is really a self-portrait of the photographer.

the second was that, despite the fact that it seems accessible to everyone, photography is one of the most difficult art forms, because a photographer must overcome an innate distance between her subject and herself. when you take pictures, you put the camera between yourself and whatever it is you're shooting; you don't directly experience what's going on. this reminded me of bastille day 2006, when i was told by a grumpy german to stop taking pictures and just enjoy the fireworks. one of my favorite things is looking at my pictures and remembering the moment in which they were taken, and the feeling i had. i've said before that my photographs are my memories, and i think that taking pictures is to sacrifice, in a way, a piece of the direct experience in exchange for a tangible, material memory that you can hold in your hands or hang on your wall. this is why it's so upsetting if my photos get lost or ruined- because i'm losing out. if you choose the photo over the immediate experience, and the photo vanishes, you feel completely slighted and foolish.
and then there are those rare, but incredible, cases in which the process of taking pictures is so enjoyable that it doesn't matter how they turn out in the end.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

naked inspiration & give the media a break

the desire to look good in the absence of clothing is the best motivation to exercise that i've ever found. most people work toward a goal weight, or a marathon time. me? no. the only thing that motivates me to work out is the hope that it will, in some way, lead to an orgasm.


here, for once, i am going to give my opinion on something that really matters, or at least i believe that it does. one of my classes raised the issue of the media's influence on its consumers, specifically our children. following the recent tragedy at virginia tech, as seems to be the case after any major, horrific event involving american youth, people willingly place blame where i am convinced it does not deserve to be: on the media. do people really believe that a reasonable explanation for this violence is the fact that our generation watches kill bill, plays grand theft auto, and sees (barely) the iraq war on the news? when someone who was exposed to violence in the media commits a murder, it's the media, or the nature of it, that is at fault? i have always had problems with this, in part because i actually find it insulting (as well as ridiculous). really, it is a matter of distinguishing plot from reality, and right from wrong. as someone whose parents hardly censored what she watched as a child, but were always there to parent, i can say that i am able to recognize that movies are simply movies, special effects and all. they're also art, which raises even more issues about censorship that i don't feel like addressing. but i feel that there is something fundamentally wrong with a society in which the media becomes a scapegoat for a person's lack of ability to separate what can happen on screen from what can happen in real life. and let's face it, isn't that really a more personal issue? one that no one seems willing to face, of family and parenting?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Borrowed Showers

my basement must have flooded on sunday night, which extinguished the pilot light in the hot water heater and rendered it completely useless. the guy from pse&g finally showed up at 7:20 this morning, only to inform me that because of something having to do with peanut oil, the entire water heater needs to be replaced.
me: the guy from pse&g says that there is some kind of platform with peanut oil and a door, and when the basement flooded, the door closed ... we need a new hot water heater.
my landlord: hahaha, casey, that's the funniest thing i've ever heard, i have no idea what you're talking about. peanut oil??
i told him that i was just trying to relay the message that the repairman gave to me, and that i was still half asleep. tonight, after two days of taking showers in various places all around new brunswick, i am again avec l'eau chaud.

the reason for the flood was the nor'easter, which was also the reason behind two days of cancelled classes at rutgers (an utter rarity).

my cousin beth's wedding was on saturday afternoon, more or less on the border between connecticut and new york. having slept for a mere two hours the night before, everything was absolutely hysterical. the members of my [immediate] family seemed to be the only people affected by the church giggles, despite the quasi-crazy man who officiated the wedding.
"the sun and the planets... AOL... Love is a matrix. We float dreamily in love."
come on, how was i supposed to keep myself from laughing at that? i jokingly asked my uncle how wrong it would be to steal a bible from a church. "Wrong." that was his solemn reply.
i really like this picture that my mom took of taylor and my dad. they look a lot alike.

my computer now has a mind of its own.
the roots are at rutgersfest!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Previous Posts
(from livejournal)