Thursday, May 31, 2007

flashbacks in the LC

yesterday, i drove around the middle of new jersey. i drove in my beloved LC, with the kruiser plates, with the windows down, in the heat (which was made almost excruciating when combined with the heat of the engine and the sun beating through the glass). i listened to david bowie. in the cassette player. i had to flip the tape to hear the good songs. that car reminds me of my childhood. we had the same car (in a different color), and then all the successive land cruisers that followed. the FJ60s were always my favorite. i remember taking road trips to massachusetts with the dogs in the back and my grandma trying to protect her hair from the air streaming in the windows. the dog in that picture was absolutely insane, but also neurotic and quirky so she fit in pretty well with us. also yesterday, i went food shopping, alone. i bought cracklin' oat bran (on sale, because it usually costs six dollars). that too reminds me of being a kid on butler blvd. i'm driving the same car my parents used to drive, i'm buying the same cereal, listening to the same music... can this mean...? that thing that they say about turning into your mother, or a combination of your parents, or as i theorize, a combination of your mother and mother-in-law, how much truth do you think there is in that? it's frightening until i realize that if turning into my parents means driving around in a cool car, listening to brilliant music, eating good cereal, drawing, and surfing, then i'm kind of okay with it. as long as i don't pick up the paranoia or excessive-to-the-point-of-humorous alcohol consumption.

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