Friday, May 25, 2007

sexy horoscope, weird dreams, and neti pots (ugh)

my horoscope for today >>
Even with the highest of spiritual intentions, you still may not be able to keep your mind off sex today. You may find yourself thinking about things that are usually outside of your comfort zone. Don't think that you will actually realize all your fantasies, but remember there's no harm in enjoying them within the privacy of your own mind.
hahahaha. first of all, this could be my horoscope any/every day. secondly, i was just talking about this the other night.
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so i have been having these very odd and vivid dreams lately. the other night i had a dream that i was pregnant (which i AM NOT), then i had a dream that my favorite neighbors destroyed my camera, and last night i had a dream that i was going to be married, but i had no idea who was to be my groom, and then i realized who it was and tried to flee.
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also, i am feeling pretty shitty, which is probably my own fault (haha). my parents keep telling me to use this fucking "neti pot" thing that they're currently obsessed with. just the name bothers me, and i refuse to use it because the idea of pouring salt water (or whatever it is that neti pots contain) into my nostril just freaks me out. plus, i feel like they're peer pressuring me into doing it, except it's not like all the cool kids are doing it, it's like all the nerdiest health nuts are doing it. (because oprah said so)
<< look! look at how weird that is!!

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