Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Polaroid Update & Petition

Polaroid Notification

According to my research, you may be able to get FujiFilm instant film, but who the f wants FujiFilm?  Ever?

Here's a petition to SAVE POLAROID FILM! 
I don't know if it will do any good, but I signed it.  And you should too.

New Mexico (or Texas?)

ode to the polaroid

i recently heard that polaroid will no longer be making their instant film.  at first, for some reason, it didn't dawn on me how immensely disappointing that news is.  i suppose that with the advances in technology concerning digital photography, film is becoming un peu obsolete, and if 35mm is becoming scarce, then polaroid film must be even rarer.  however, as a film devotee and person who adores polaroid cameras, i'm having a difficult time coming to terms with the fact that  in the not-so-distant future, i won't be able to find film that i can use with mine.  and after a while, if i can find it, time probably will have rendered it useless.  perhaps the colors will be a bit off.  or the contrast slightly less apparent.  the shadows less crisp.  some of my favorite photos have been taken with polaroid cameras.  and who among us doesn't remember, at least once, waving that blank card around, waiting impatiently for an image to appear?  did you know that you're actually not supposed to "shake it like a polaroid picture?"  in time, you won't be able to, anyway.  there is nothing quite like instant film, even today.  we do not have another camera, that i'm aware of, that allows a photographer to hold a fully developed image in his or her hands mere seconds after the shutter clicks.  and i know that you may be thinking, 'well, who cares, with a digital camera, you can see the image instantly and if you want a print, you can have it later.'  but it's not the same.  there is a sort of nostalgia attached to polaroid's instant cameras, at least for my generation, i think, and i'm sad to see them go the way of the 8-track.

you know what?  maybe there is something i can do to prevent this from happening.  let me look into it...